A Basque in Boise

Here we go again

January 2nd, 2012, 9:00 AM. Exactly two years since I stopped smoking. I think it was at this time in 2010 when I finished the last of the 8 cigarettes left in the packet and called it good, thanks to Andoni. It’s funny how a five-year old was able to achieve in a couple of months what years of shit flipping by your family first, then your husband, couldn’t do.

I brought the kids to their grandma’s cabin in Garden Valley, and we’re down to enjoying the last few hours of Christmas break. I’m watching Grease again with Andoni because he fell asleep last night in the middle of the film and was itching to see what happened next. Just like with Back to the Future, I love finding movies that we can all enjoy, despite the age of the movie and our age difference. It took a while to get it to the right spot – it’s a VHS tape we’re watching (here, I googled it for you), but we finally managed. (I wish I could say the same for getting the wood stove going.)

The last couple of days have been a bit like going back in time. It’s always the same when we come up to the cabin. Along with the video player, the living room also features a record player with a bunch of records (big CDs, as Maitane calls them) that sounds pretty good, actually. Needless to say, there is no Internet connection or cellphone service up here. Unbelievable as it may sound, my kids had an even bigger case of the Wi-Fi withdrawal than I did, so yesterday we drove down to Crouch and spent a couple of hours at the Longhorn tavern with our computers, iPhones and TouchPads. I know, but times are a-changing.

Besides, when you think about it, two hours in three days is not too horrible. The rest of the time we watched movies, went for walks, baked, visited the Hot Springs in Terrace Lakes, sang Karaoke and played Monopoly. Don’t worry. I’m ok. I wasn’t abducted by aliens. I just thought it’d be nice to celebrate the New Year in a different way and with the people who really matter. We even ate the grapes, like they do back home to welcome the New Year, except we used strawberries (they were out of grapes at the local market) and Central time. I could see Andoni was not going to make it awake until midnight so we said goodbye to 2011 ahead of schedule. Honestly, he is going to need some training if he ever wants to be considered a true “vasco”. At least Maitane seems to have taken after me.

I didn’t make any resolutions this year. I did last year and screwed them all up, so I’m keeping the pressure off in 2012. I’ll give it my best shot everyday day and (hopefully) I won’t get too bent out of shape if I get it wrong. Maybe I’ll focus on learning how to be happy while still being myself, even if that means alienating some people, being hurt by other people, and putting up with embarrassing situations. In the end, if people are going to like you, they should like you unaltered, 100% you, otherwise, what’s the point?

Thanks for passing by: ↓

Maria Jesusl Pedro J. Oiarzabal Diana marisa eguillor Raku Bye Germany hello US

7 thoughts on “Here we go again

  1. Maria Jesusl

    Me parece una manera muy bonita de acabar el año y recibir el nuevo con esas personitas tan preciosas. Veo que no os habéis aburrido, me alegro.

  2. Maria Jesusl

    Me parece una manera muy bonita de acabar el año y recibir el nuevo con esas personitas tan preciosas. Veo que no os habéis aburrido, me alegro.

  3. marisa eguillor

    Me ha causado enorme alegría leerte en esta red y ver que eres tan feliz …. Me alegro mucho y te deseo todo lo mejor para este año que comienza y los que seguirán.
    A huge hug.

  4. marisa eguillor

    Me ha causado enorme alegría leerte en esta red y ver que eres tan feliz …. Me alegro mucho y te deseo todo lo mejor para este año que comienza y los que seguirán.
    A huge hug.

  5. Diana

    Henar, if you ever change, I’ll defriend you (now I can threat again about doing it, hehehehe). Honestly, maja, I’m happy that you are who you are and the way you are. A visit or two to the cabin are allowed. Happy New Year, again! Maite Zaitut!

  6. Diana

    Henar, if you ever change, I’ll defriend you (now I can threat again about doing it, hehehehe). Honestly, maja, I’m happy that you are who you are and the way you are. A visit or two to the cabin are allowed. Happy New Year, again! Maite Zaitut!

  7. marisa eguillor

    Sí, sigo por Bilbao, a ratos.
    Estoy jubilada desde hace 6 años y aunque mantengo alguna actividad como terapeuta de familia y mediadora familiar en procesos de separación y divorcio, asi como impartiendo algunos cursos para la Escuela Vasca de Terapia de Familia, mi mayor actividad es DISFRUTAR DE LA VIDA Y DE LA LIBERTAD. Viajo bastante y paso algun tiempo por el sur de España.
    Como corre la vida…. pensar que tienes dos hijos y que andas por esos mundos…
    A lo dicho, que sigas igual de maja y activa.
    Un enorme muxu.

  8. marisa eguillor

    Sí, sigo por Bilbao, a ratos.
    Estoy jubilada desde hace 6 años y aunque mantengo alguna actividad como terapeuta de familia y mediadora familiar en procesos de separación y divorcio, asi como impartiendo algunos cursos para la Escuela Vasca de Terapia de Familia, mi mayor actividad es DISFRUTAR DE LA VIDA Y DE LA LIBERTAD. Viajo bastante y paso algun tiempo por el sur de España.
    Como corre la vida…. pensar que tienes dos hijos y que andas por esos mundos…
    A lo dicho, que sigas igual de maja y activa.
    Un enorme muxu.

  9. Henar Chico

    Sería la última vez que te me desamigas, capulla. Nahhh… capaz que te pensás que estoy en plan de no hablar con vos, nada más alejado de la realidad.

  10. Henar Chico

    Sería la última vez que te me desamigas, capulla. Nahhh… capaz que te pensás que estoy en plan de no hablar con vos, nada más alejado de la realidad.

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