A Basque in Boise

The cats of the future

Only once did she stop gazing adorably at her table companions and noticed the people around her. She looked startled. What were those strange and loud creatures that moved their mouths and made weird sounds? It almost looked as if they communicated that way, like an email with sound.

All of a sudden, chills ran down her spine. “Oh no!”, she silently yelled as a wave of guilt engulfed her completely. “I forgot to feed my Tamagotchi at home!”

Thanks for passing by: ↓

Diana Maria Jesusl Lontzo Sainz Steven Roosevelt Ysabel Bilbao Laura electronic disaster

8 thoughts on “The cats of the future

  1. Diana

    At least, she was lucky to be a woman. Had she been a man, she’d still be living in her parents’ basement.

    (PS: Brilliant, Henar!)

  2. Diana

    At least, she was lucky to be a woman. Had she been a man, she’d still be living in her parents’ basement.

    (PS: Brilliant, Henar!)

  3. Henar Chico

    Maybe it wasn’t me yesterday, but I’m quite certain that’s what the future holds for me.

  4. Henar Chico

    Maybe it wasn’t me yesterday, but I’m quite certain that’s what the future holds for me.

  5. Diana

    Oh, by the way, the photographer sent the bill: you owe her $640 million. You better go play (and win) the lottery.

  6. Diana

    Oh, by the way, the photographer sent the bill: you owe her $640 million. You better go play (and win) the lottery.

  7. electronic disaster

    So that you ladies know, this could be me…there is still hope. And Diana, as I touched your magic hand yesterday, I would like a share of it, let’s say 10%, ok?

  8. electronic disaster

    So that you ladies know, this could be me…there is still hope. And Diana, as I touched your magic hand yesterday, I would like a share of it, let’s say 10%, ok?

  9. Henar Chico

    Well… You do have a computer, you could have a Touch Pad for $200 (it’s still available), and eventually your other half would come to his senses and get you an iPhone. You’re set!

  10. Henar Chico

    Well… You do have a computer, you could have a Touch Pad for $200 (it’s still available), and eventually your other half would come to his senses and get you an iPhone. You’re set!

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