A Basque in Boise

Good morning!

Nothing like waking up to your daughter freaking out right by your bed, holding out some long-forgotten sippy-cup, yelling that there’s still something inside while simultaneously popping the lid off and making whatever nasty thing was left inside god knows when splash all over the sheets. Then she screams some more, gags (loudly) a couple of times, and goes back to the kitchen to play on the computer.

Good morning!

You check out your iPhone to find someone asking you a question that makes no sense. Like you should know what the hell they’re talking about. And when you, half-asleep and still recovering from the previous incident go, “What?”, they get all condescending and ridicule you. Oh well, I think I’ll live.

Good morning!

Grudgingly, you come to terms with the fact that it’s time to get up. On your way out from the bathroom you stop to look at yourself in the mirror (will my hairdo hold for another day?) and almost have a heart attack when you see the big-ass mess on your nose. Really? I’m almost forty and still get zits. I never learned to restrain myself so of course I pick them all into oblivion, thus the huge and brownish scab today from my work last night.

Good morning!

However, I’m positive, I know for sure, it’s in the stars, that today is going to be a great day: kids, movies, friends and a swimming pool. How could it not?

Thanks for passing by: ↓

NeskaBaska Diana Kay Boling Amaya Oxarango-Ingram Steven Roosevelt MARIA JESUS conchi Boise Mike Ysabel Bilbao

3 thoughts on “Good morning!

  1. Diana

    Gooooood fucking morning!! At least, this time the dogs didn’t come and jump all over the bed. But the (home) phone woke me up. Even when I silence the headset in my bedroom, when the answering machine starts, I still hear Vera’s silly message… Gooooood morning to you too!!

  2. Diana

    Gooooood fucking morning!! At least, this time the dogs didn’t come and jump all over the bed. But the (home) phone woke me up. Even when I silence the headset in my bedroom, when the answering machine starts, I still hear Vera’s silly message… Gooooood morning to you too!!

  3. conchi

    However you look at it, mornings suck!! They just manifest into “sippy-cup” poltergeists, and as for the zits, it’s just your body telling you, “hey, look, You’re still young, you still have hormones.” Hormones are good!!!

    “I” on the other hand, woke up to dog poop on my carpet…sigh!!!

  4. conchi

    However you look at it, mornings suck!! They just manifest into “sippy-cup” poltergeists, and as for the zits, it’s just your body telling you, “hey, look, You’re still young, you still have hormones.” Hormones are good!!!

    “I” on the other hand, woke up to dog poop on my carpet…sigh!!!

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