A Basque in Boise

The room inside

I like swimming because, no matter what they say, there is no way I’m taking my iPhone into the water with me. So it’s 30 or 40 minutes of nothing but silence. Sometimes I manage to shut off my thoughts and concentrate on the strokes. It’s the best way I’ve found —even better than sleep, which eludes me sometimes— to give my mind a rest. Other times, however, I let them flow freely to see where they take me.

I’m fascinated by relationships, how they spring, strengthen, dwindle. How they morph over the years and force you to adapt to the changes in order to keep a friend. A person might let you in for a while, past the front yard, past the nice, clean facade and into the darker, dirtier and —quite frankly— most amusing parts of themselves.  Then one day, the door is open no more, although you’re still allowed to park on the driveway and hang out for a while.

I have to keep my house tidy these days until someone brightens my day and buys it. I’m in a hurry most of the time, so I stuff it all in unceremoniously and call it good. People getting the tour will think that everything is in order, but I know it’s still a bit of a mess and a little dirty inside the closet.


Thanks for passing by: ↓

Diana Egiluz Lontzo Sainz Steven Roosevelt Mariluz Grandal Ainhoa

4 thoughts on “The room inside

  1. Egiluz

    I really enjoyed this post, and especially this sentence: “A person might let you in for a while, past the front yard, past the nice, clean facade and into the darker, dirtier and —quite frankly— most amusing parts of themselves”. You have what it takes to be a writer 😉

  2. Egiluz

    I really enjoyed this post, and especially this sentence: “A person might let you in for a while, past the front yard, past the nice, clean facade and into the darker, dirtier and —quite frankly— most amusing parts of themselves”. You have what it takes to be a writer 😉

  3. Steven Roosevelt

    Nice article. I’m told one can enter a Zen state (mushin or no mind) while washing dishes.

  4. Steven Roosevelt

    Nice article. I’m told one can enter a Zen state (mushin or no mind) while washing dishes.

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