A Basque in Boise

The Walk of Shame: A short observation

A read a status update on Facebook this morning where a friend was raving about the best Labor Day start ever, which included grocery shopping (really, Carmen, we need to talk), hot air balloon show (we’re improving), and some random girl doing the walk of shame (always amusing). However, it got me thinking.

First of all, I still find the concept a little foreign as —at least as far as I know— we don’t have it in the Basque Country. It’s not easy to take a girl home when you are 35 and still living with your parents.

(Does it apply to guys too?)

Secondly, how do we know for sure she’s doing the walk of shame unless you saw her the day before wearing the same clothes? Disheveled hair is not an excuse. Have you ever seen me on my way to work at 5:30 am? What if she stayed over at a friend’s house to avoid a DUI? Maybe her boyfriend lives there. Or she had to work today and that’s why she’s wearing a nice dress and heels.

Finally, why is it called a shame if she just got lucky?

Thanks for passing by: ↓

MARIA JESUS Amaya Oxarango-Ingram Conchi

2 thoughts on “The Walk of Shame: A short observation

  1. Conchi

    Haha!! You mean the Victoria’s Secret garment (ok, chones) half hanging out of her purse is not an indicator either?!? Hmmm, who knew!!

  2. Conchi

    Haha!! You mean the Victoria’s Secret garment (ok, chones) half hanging out of her purse is not an indicator either?!? Hmmm, who knew!!

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