A Basque in Boise

Give and take

Getting off work at 5:30, arriving at the Fred Meyer 30 minutes later and buying groceries in a whopping record-time of fourteen minutes and 33 seconds just so I can get home, take off my high-heel boots, put on the flip-flops, help the kids with their Basque dancing shoes, give them a snack, get back in the car and arrive at 7 to the Basque Block, not my favorite thing. By the time I drop them off I’m in serious need of a bottle of wine. Luckily, Flora (tori bihotza, lasai egon), can provide. After the second glass I’m feeling way more relaxed and realize that I do like taking the kids to Basque dancing, they learn and socialize, I drink and socialize. It’s a win-win situation.

Before I could leave work last night I was on the phone with an Argentinian customer for about two hours, trying to get his press back to ready. Again, not fun, although I got to hear him talk in that cool accent they have. We never got his machine to work, but in the meantime I was able to delete enough pictures and videos from my iPhone that I could finally update the OS to the latest version. Not that I was dying to do it, but I’ve got the icons on my phone arranged in a certain order and Settings happens to be on the main screen with no way to clear that stupid red notification, a constant reminder that I was running an older version of the software for the last few weeks. I couldn’t stand it anymore.

I’ve heard the Maps app looks cool but it’s not so accurate, please don’t let it be true. I’ll be lost without it. And Mail now has a VIP mailbox so messages from the important people in your life don’t get lost in your daily flood of emails. Thanks Apple, very helpful.

I got a couple of videos from the kids’ Basque dancing practice – I am quite impressed – and headed back home shortly after it was over. I was driving on the connector at my usual speed of 5 mph over the limit when I realized I was no longer risking a speeding ticket as all the signs now feature a brand new limit of 60 mph. Awesome, going from 60 to 65 should shave off a few seconds from my commute downtown, and every bit helps when you live in BFE.

I checked this morning and the Argentinian guy is all taken care of after he tried my last suggestion from yesterday.

Today, I came to work dressed as Cleopatra in an effort to get into the spirit of the holiday season. I’m the only other person I’ve seen in costume at H-P so far, but I don’t feel embarrassed. I’m trying to decide whether it’s a milestone or I just don’t care.

Thanks for passing by: ↓

Steven Roosevelt Diana Amaya Oxarango-Ingram Kathy

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