A Basque in Boise

Thanksgiving 2012

Coming back from Euskadi this summer has been the hardest since I moved to the United States. It would always take me a couple of weeks to leave my country behind and get into the groove of my American life. This year though, I wasn’t fast enough and I’m still hanging in there, adding to the blues of the holiday season.

This morning I got up and thought “Jeez, Henar!” Blah, blah, blah… Sure it’s hard to be an immigrant and away from your family, plus things happen or don’t happen that bring you down. But it is what it is, and it’s not going to change. It’d be different if living in Boise sucked, but I freaking love it – the place and its people. I think it is time to get out of the funk and put down in writing what I’m thankful for this year, the people and things that make living in Boise the best move I ever made, immigrant syndrome and all.


For the first time in 16 years all my friends are here: Dunya moved back from Germany, Victoria left Idaho Falls, and Irune is once again the teacher at Boiseko Ikastola. Diana never left since we met (she knows better), and neither has Ruth. Ander will be here for Christmas.

My Basque-American girls. I don’t know what I’d do without you. I’d have probably never started with pala, slept in Esther’s spinning guest room after a girls night-in and 3 bottles of wine, enjoyed the Anniversary dinners in San Francisco (don’t get me started), or pulled and all-nighter in Amoroto cycling through the three bars in town until 9 am the following day. They bring me into their houses at Thanksgiving or Christmas when they know I am alone. They help me understand my kids better.

I’m grateful for the last two and a half years.

It’s hard to get up early sometimes, to finish a translation before I get to work at H-P after dropping the kids of at school. Then I read the news coming from Spain. I’m thankful for short nights, long days, and awesome coworkers.

Bi-monthly massages by the best masseuse in town, our very own Amaya Oxarango-Ingram. Along with my body, she soothes my mind too. Eskerrik asko.

My house never sold, but I’m thankful I tried. Now, I have new gutters, fresh paint on the outside trim, a cute outdoor porch light, and my living room and kitchen are much better organized.

I’m grateful for my kids. They make me laugh and achieved the almost impossible task of making their mom more patient, less self-centered, an ex-smoker and incipient baker. Plus they still haven’t switched to talking to me in English.

I am thinking about creating a shrine to whoever came up with Skype. I talk to my parents and sister more now than when I lived in Euskadi. Skype makes it possible for my kids to maintain a bond with my family all year-long.


Finally, I’m grateful for the blog. I love spreading the word about Basque stuff, but most of all, I just like the opportunity to let it all out.


These are just a few of the things that make me happy, although there are many more that keep me going. I need to be better at keeping them in mind.

Oh, and you know what? It would be awesome if you would stop for a second to leave a comment with the one thing that made this year special for you.

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving holiday!

Thanks for passing by: ↓

Steven Roosevelt Victoria Diana maria jesus Amaya Oxarango-Ingram irune Ander Terese Patty Lontzo Sainz

24 thoughts on “Thanksgiving 2012

  1. Steven Roosevelt

    Thanks Henar for reminding us all that we have lots to be thankful for. For me it’s family in California (kudos to Skype and FaceTime) and my local support group of friends.

  2. Steven Roosevelt

    Thanks Henar for reminding us all that we have lots to be thankful for. For me it’s family in California (kudos to Skype and FaceTime) and my local support group of friends.

  3. Victoria

    Eskerrik asko to you Henar. I couldn’t have said it better. This post comes at the right time, as I woke up this morning sad and depressed and in a bad funk about everything that’s wrong with me and my life and I’ve spent the morning talking myself down into the pits of desperation. But this has been a good year for me and I have a lot to be thankful for. Despite the sadness of a divorce after having spent 25 years with the same person, I am thankful to realized my dream of moving to the most awesome city on earth. I’m thankful to be healthy and to have friends like you, Diana, Irune, and the rest of the Basque girls, plus I’ve also made some good outside of the Basque community. It sucks to be away from family, but for me living in the US is a choice that I’ve never regretted.

  4. Victoria

    Eskerrik asko to you Henar. I couldn’t have said it better. This post comes at the right time, as I woke up this morning sad and depressed and in a bad funk about everything that’s wrong with me and my life and I’ve spent the morning talking myself down into the pits of desperation. But this has been a good year for me and I have a lot to be thankful for. Despite the sadness of a divorce after having spent 25 years with the same person, I am thankful to realized my dream of moving to the most awesome city on earth. I’m thankful to be healthy and to have friends like you, Diana, Irune, and the rest of the Basque girls, plus I’ve also made some good outside of the Basque community. It sucks to be away from family, but for me living in the US is a choice that I’ve never regretted.

  5. Diana

    I’m thankful for laughter with friends like you, Henartxo (that means scaring the shit out of everybody anywhere we go and laugh our guts off). Thankful for family, even when they’re so far-fucking-away. And thankful for chocolate ice cream, that comes very handy when friends and family are out of reach.

  6. Diana

    I’m thankful for laughter with friends like you, Henartxo (that means scaring the shit out of everybody anywhere we go and laugh our guts off). Thankful for family, even when they’re so far-fucking-away. And thankful for chocolate ice cream, that comes very handy when friends and family are out of reach.

  7. maria jesus

    Henar nos alegramos de verte tan positiva, es la única manera de disfrutar de todo lo bueno que tienes. Muchos musus de tus aitas y hermana.

  8. maria jesus

    Henar nos alegramos de verte tan positiva, es la única manera de disfrutar de todo lo bueno que tienes. Muchos musus de tus aitas y hermana.

  9. Henar Chico

    Hola ama, eskerrik asko, es que bastantes cosas hay en la vida de las que preocuparse, ¿verdad? Está bien acordarse de vez en cuando de todo lo bueno que le rodea a una. Y bueno, ya sabéis que no hace falta ni decirlo, pero no os cambiaría por nada del mundo. Os quiero mucho, familia Chico-Jiménez. @maria jesus

  10. Henar Chico

    Hola ama, eskerrik asko, es que bastantes cosas hay en la vida de las que preocuparse, ¿verdad? Está bien acordarse de vez en cuando de todo lo bueno que le rodea a una. Y bueno, ya sabéis que no hace falta ni decirlo, pero no os cambiaría por nada del mundo. Os quiero mucho, familia Chico-Jiménez. @maria jesus

  11. irune

    De verdad creo que hay miles de cosas por las que estar agradeciada en la vida aunque estemos tan lejos de nuestra familia y a veces sea suuuper duro.
    Tenemos suerte de tenernos, de tener a todas estas locas que se rien de nuestro acento y nosotras de los de ellas… De tener tanta gente que te abre las puertas de sus casas y te hacen sentirte querida y especial. De tener el Fronton!!!!! (o eso le decimos a Andoni…)
    Y como bien has dicho… nuestro querido Malbec!!!! Gracias por existir!!!
    Eres un tesoro… te quiero mogollon!!! xoxo

  12. irune

    De verdad creo que hay miles de cosas por las que estar agradeciada en la vida aunque estemos tan lejos de nuestra familia y a veces sea suuuper duro.
    Tenemos suerte de tenernos, de tener a todas estas locas que se rien de nuestro acento y nosotras de los de ellas… De tener tanta gente que te abre las puertas de sus casas y te hacen sentirte querida y especial. De tener el Fronton!!!!! (o eso le decimos a Andoni…)
    Y como bien has dicho… nuestro querido Malbec!!!! Gracias por existir!!!
    Eres un tesoro… te quiero mogollon!!! xoxo

  13. Henar Chico

    ¿Quién tiene acento? Jajaja… Asko maite zaitut, enana. Benetan pozten naz berriro etorri zarela.

  14. Henar Chico

    ¿Quién tiene acento? Jajaja… Asko maite zaitut, enana. Benetan pozten naz berriro etorri zarela.

  15. Alicia

    I love reading your blog. You have a great writing style.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts about being thankful. Often times, I don’t think about how lucky I am and instead, I focus on little insignificant things that succeed in making me depressed or be in a foul mood.

    I’m thankful that I have dear friends who really care about me. Also, even though my husband has not worked in over two years, I still have a job. Sometimes it can be challenging, but my students and colleagues are what makes some obstacles easy to overcome. I’m also thankful that I have a great health coach who is helping me to lose weight and get fit.

  16. Alicia

    I love reading your blog. You have a great writing style.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts about being thankful. Often times, I don’t think about how lucky I am and instead, I focus on little insignificant things that succeed in making me depressed or be in a foul mood.

    I’m thankful that I have dear friends who really care about me. Also, even though my husband has not worked in over two years, I still have a job. Sometimes it can be challenging, but my students and colleagues are what makes some obstacles easy to overcome. I’m also thankful that I have a great health coach who is helping me to lose weight and get fit.

  17. Diana

    Ustedes tendrán acento, porque son gashegas. Mi casteshano, como buena argentina, es perfecto.

  18. Diana

    Ustedes tendrán acento, porque son gashegas. Mi casteshano, como buena argentina, es perfecto.

  19. Henar Chico

    Alicia, thanks so much for taking a moment to share what makes you happy. We all focus too often on the little things that bring us down instead of looking at how great our lives are as a whole. I’m glad to hear you’re doing good and taking care of yourself with the help of a health coach. Hopefully we’ll run into each other soon so I can see the progress! Have a great Thanksgiving on Thursday! Un abrazo, Henar.

  20. Henar Chico

    Alicia, thanks so much for taking a moment to share what makes you happy. We all focus too often on the little things that bring us down instead of looking at how great our lives are as a whole. I’m glad to hear you’re doing good and taking care of yourself with the help of a health coach. Hopefully we’ll run into each other soon so I can see the progress! Have a great Thanksgiving on Thursday! Un abrazo, Henar.

  21. Henar Chico

    Lo peor es que tienes razón, jajaja. Me encanta el acento che. Perdón, simplemente me encanta el che.

  22. Henar Chico

    Lo peor es que tienes razón, jajaja. Me encanta el acento che. Perdón, simplemente me encanta el che.

  23. Ander

    I’ve said many times that I really like your writing style, but I also like what you say. This blog’s a good way to know how you’re feeling each day and makes us (living far away from you) to feel closer to you. And what should I be thankful for? No doubt: for the people that loves and supports me (even if they’re less than those who don’t love and support me [the world’s hostile], MY people pushes me stronger). Besarkada bat Henar. It’s a honor to be in your list. See you soon 😉

  24. Ander

    I’ve said many times that I really like your writing style, but I also like what you say. This blog’s a good way to know how you’re feeling each day and makes us (living far away from you) to feel closer to you. And what should I be thankful for? No doubt: for the people that loves and supports me (even if they’re less than those who don’t love and support me [the world’s hostile], MY people pushes me stronger). Besarkada bat Henar. It’s a honor to be in your list. See you soon 😉

  25. Terese

    An incipient baker! Bueno, bada ordua aurrera joateko. Lagun onak dituzu, hor eta hemen, hemen eta hor. Berdin da nondik begiratzen diozut. Bihotza erdibituta daukazu, zelan ez… Baina, ché, no seáis rezongona! Ja, ja. Dale al baking all the way eta animo, laztana!

  26. Terese

    An incipient baker! Bueno, bada ordua aurrera joateko. Lagun onak dituzu, hor eta hemen, hemen eta hor. Berdin da nondik begiratzen diozut. Bihotza erdibituta daukazu, zelan ez… Baina, ché, no seáis rezongona! Ja, ja. Dale al baking all the way eta animo, laztana!

  27. Henar Chico

    Jajaja… Very incipient baker. Bai, badakit lagun onekin ingurututa nauela han eta hemen. Horrek indarra ematen dit. Musu handi bat, uda berriro elartuko gara Bilboko alde zaharrean!

  28. Henar Chico

    Jajaja… Very incipient baker. Bai, badakit lagun onekin ingurututa nauela han eta hemen. Horrek indarra ematen dit. Musu handi bat, uda berriro elartuko gara Bilboko alde zaharrean!

  29. Patty

    Everyday we go about our lives without realizing all the wonderful things we should be thankful for. I am thankful first for being alive; that great being out there who keeps life going. Thankful for everyone around me because without them my life would be meaningless. Everyone in my life has a different meaning. Henar, you especially, by luck or chance ended up having to deal with my shit on a daily basis. Hearing my complaints, knowing my life. You are a bigger part of my life than you imagine. Shifting gears now, seeing my boys smile is one of the greatest thing in my life. Knowing that they are healthy and full of life. They are meaning to my life and there is no other love that can compare to the love my children give me. My best friend, Aldo, because without him many things would be out of reach. Lastly, my family. To have the privilege to be a part of such a crazy and loving family. Thank you Henar for always sharing and providing us with great stories. We thank you for entertaining us.

  30. Patty

    Everyday we go about our lives without realizing all the wonderful things we should be thankful for. I am thankful first for being alive; that great being out there who keeps life going. Thankful for everyone around me because without them my life would be meaningless. Everyone in my life has a different meaning. Henar, you especially, by luck or chance ended up having to deal with my shit on a daily basis. Hearing my complaints, knowing my life. You are a bigger part of my life than you imagine. Shifting gears now, seeing my boys smile is one of the greatest thing in my life. Knowing that they are healthy and full of life. They are meaning to my life and there is no other love that can compare to the love my children give me. My best friend, Aldo, because without him many things would be out of reach. Lastly, my family. To have the privilege to be a part of such a crazy and loving family. Thank you Henar for always sharing and providing us with great stories. We thank you for entertaining us.

  31. Henar Chico

    Patty, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I know I’m a pain in the butt sometimes, but I love how positive you are. Thank you for putting up with my moods and stories too, there is nobody else I’d like to have in my cube.

  32. Henar Chico

    Patty, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I know I’m a pain in the butt sometimes, but I love how positive you are. Thank you for putting up with my moods and stories too, there is nobody else I’d like to have in my cube.

  33. Henar Chico

    I’m glad you gave me the chance. Really, you helped me more than you’ll ever know. Musu!

  34. Henar Chico

    I’m glad you gave me the chance. Really, you helped me more than you’ll ever know. Musu!

  35. Catherine Chertudi

    Thank you for your lovely blog and I am very grateful that I was blessed to have married into the wonderful Basque culture!

  36. Catherine Chertudi

    Thank you for your lovely blog and I am very grateful that I was blessed to have married into the wonderful Basque culture!

  37. Henar Chico

    Catherine, thanks so much for taking the time to write down your thoughts. I think I speak for all of us when I say it makes us proud to see other people enjoying the Basque culture. We must be doing something right. Musu!

  38. Henar Chico

    Catherine, thanks so much for taking the time to write down your thoughts. I think I speak for all of us when I say it makes us proud to see other people enjoying the Basque culture. We must be doing something right. Musu!

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