A Basque in Boise

Jaialdi 2015 preparations are underway and they are looking for international performing groups

I can’t believe we’re already talking Jaialdi 2015 when it seems like we just finished enjoying 2010!

Jaialdi 2010A million memories are made in Boise every five years during this special weekend, and even though Jaialdi 2015 is still a ways away (July 28-August 2, 2015), organizers have already started preparations for this huge event.

One of the first orders of business is to choose groups: choral, dance, music, to perform at the event. Jaialdi has set up a special page on its website for international groups who are interested in participating to apply. The necessary forms can be found on the website in four languages (English, Basque, Spanish and French), but I have listed them below for your convenience. Chosen applicants will be notified by November of this year to allow ample time to get organized as well as find funding if necessary. Groups will be responsible for their own travel, while Jaialdi will take care of room and board while in Boise.

A Bit of Jaialdi History

By The North End. Jaialdi was first celebrated in 1987 as a one-time event to celebrate the old and new, local and international aspects of Basque culture. Held at the historic former Idaho State Penitentiary, Jaialdi ’87 attracted 30,000 enthusiastic visitors. The festivities included a parade, symposium, Mass, street dance, sports exhibitions, cultural performances, souvenir booths, and food and drink.

In 1990, the governor of Idaho requested that the Basque community hold another Jaialdi as part of the state’s 100th anniversary celebrations. The 1990 Jaialdi took the same format, but with a few minor changes and improvements. The 1990 festival was so successful that the current every-five-years format was established. Jaialdi is always held during the last weekend of July, which coincides with the Boise Basque community’s celebration saint, San Inazio de Loyola.

The goal of Jaialdi is to celebrate Basque culture through dance, song, music, education, food and more. Jaialdi is an easy word to remember and say: It describes a week of gathering and taking part in a memorable time.



Applications for International Performing Groups

International participants. Jaialdi organizers will select a small number of international groups to participate in Jaialdi 2015. Jaialdi will provide housing and meals for these selected performers from July 28 through August 3, 2015. All participants are responsible to provide and schedule their own transportation to and from Boise, Idaho. Groups wishing to be considered for participation should complete this form.

Nazioarteko partehartzaileak. 2015eko Jaialdiko antolatzaileek nazioarteko talde kopuru murriztua aukeratuko dute Jaialdian parte hartzeko. Jaialdiak aukeratutako partehartzaileei otorduak eta bizitokia eskainiko dizkie uztailaren 28tik abuztuaren 3ra. Partehartzaileen erantzukizuna izango da Boiserako joan-etorriko bidaien ordutegia, ordainketa eta antolaketa egitea. 2015eko Jaialdian parte hartu nahi duten taldeek honako dokumentu hau osatu behar dute.

Participantes internacionales. Los organizadores de Jaialdi 2015 van a seleccionar un número pequeño de grupos internacionales para participar en el Jaialdi 2015. Jaialdi proveerá el alojamiento y la comida para los grupos selecionados del 28 de julio hasta el 3 de agosto 2015. Todos los participantes deben organizar su propio transporte desde Boise y hasta Boise. Los grupos que quieren participar deben llenar esta solicitud.

Participants Internationaux. Les organisateurs de Jaialdi sélectionneront un petit nombre de groupes internationaux à participer à Jaialdi 2015. Jaialdi fournira un logement et des repas pour les artistes sélectionnés à partir de Juillet 28 jusqu’au 3 Août, 2015. Tous les participants sont responsables de fournir et d’organiser leur propre transport vers et à partir de Boise, dans l’Idaho. Les groupes qui souhaitent être pris en considération pour la participation doit remplir ce formulaire.

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