A Basque in Boise

Basque online dating site Kaixomaitia.eus is looking for people to collaborate on their blog

logo_kaixomaitia_kolorearekinIt must have been 2009 when I first heard of Kaixomaitia.eus. I remember thinking, “Woa… good luck to the organizers!,” as Basque people already have a hard time dating “normally,” but I loved the concept of using Basque exclusively to communicate with other members. I was also curious to see how Basques would respond to dating online, so I signed up and I’ve remained a member (on and off) since then.

Although the site has a section for the Diaspora (it includes Basques from all over the world), it is definitely not crowded. I realize how impractical it is to use an online dating site where the bulk of the people live 5,000 miles away from me, but it gives me a sense of belonging to the place and people I left twenty years ago.

In 2015, the site underwent a complete style and content revamp: it added a blog section and began organizing events for their members to mingle in person. The blog is by far my favorite part of the site. Every week I get to read interesting articles in Basque which have nothing to do with the precarious state of the world we live in. Instead, I find stories centered on love, sex, and relationships told by people from different backgrounds and points of view.

Kaixomaitia.eus is gearing up to make the blog even better in 2017 and they want your help to make it possible. They’d like to know what topics you wish to read about, or even send them articles you think would be interesting for the Basque community (in Basque, Spanish, English, French…).

You could also become a writer and share your own articles (be it fiction, personal experiences, poetry) in exchange for money or a membership to the site should your text get chosen. Don’t worry if you can’t write in Basque; if they like your work, it will be translated.

For more information or questions, email admin@kaixomaitia.eus, or follow them on Facebook or Twitter.

To read the original article in Basque, visit: Kaixomaitia.eus-en blogerako edukiak osatzen lagunduko diguzu?

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