Tag Archives: vegetables

Guisantes de Lágrima


Guisantes de lágrima could be the vegetable equivalent of angulas.

These “tear peas” are 500 euros a kilogram, as a recent article reports. That’s $295 a pound.  This article reports that the first guisantes de lágrima of the season have appeared.  From each pod, 12-14 peas can be harvested. The most famed producer of this delicate legume is Jaime Burgaña of Aroa farm in Getaria.

The season lasts through June, and the harvest is extremely limited.  The treasured peas typically end up in the hands of chefs like Eneko Atxa, Juan Mari Arzak, Martín Berasategui and Pedro Subijana. This year they will also be used by Massimo Bottura in his restaurant Ostería Francescana de Módena.

photo from elblog.info