Kaixo eta Ongi Etorri!!

or Hello and Welcome, as we say in Basque. Welcome to this blog, where I hope to be able to show, and explain, and give details, and help, and…, all those aspects of interest related to the Basque Country (not the political concept as it is nowadays, but a broader concept including those territories that are culturally Basque but politically separated) and areas nearby. We are Basques, and very proud of it (sometimes a bit too much…), and a difficult people to understand (or at least that´s what we like to think of ourselves). Yes, you´ve probably heard about our desires for independence, the “troubles”, our “bloody incomprehensible” language, our ancestral customs, the crazy rural sports based on strength or speed, our famed restaurants and pintxos, and so on. I´ll talk about it…and about many other things related to us. But I´ll focus mainly on the most appealing aspects of our culture, so when you come and visit us you may be able to discover a “different” Euskadi.

(by the way, I´m not a native English speaker, so please be kind towards my many mistakes in grammar, syntax and English spelling…)

5 thoughts on “Kaixo eta Ongi Etorri!!

  1. Pingback: Basque news eitb

  2. Pingback: Suzanne Farrell

  3. Pingback: Bilbao BBK Live Festival, controversy over bullfighting, Tourism blog | Basques around the world

  4. Moni

    Hi and congratulations!
    Such a good idea to write a blog about tuorism in Basque Country and cultural matters.

    I give you my best wishes for the blog, and I hope that it’ill be usefull for al those wanting to come over here (I’m form Bilbao by the way)

    gero arte!

  5. Carlos

    No se olviden de la Nueva vizcaya mexicana que son los actuales estados mexicanos de Durango, Sinaloa, Chihuahua y Nuevo Mexico (este ultimo ahora de los yankis). Existe una coneccion perdida, muchos colonos bascos que colonizaron el norte mexicano terminaron mezclandose con indigenas tepahuanos, tarahumaras, acaxees, creando asi, una cultura muy singular en el territorio mexicano. Durango Mexico – Pais Vasco deben remontar esa coneccion perdida.

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