Our tour is highlighted on US websites

    Categories: Tour news

We are told that one website reference is worth a thousand words in print, so we are very grateful to colleagues involved in the Basque diaspora in the US, and in Basque studies internationally,  for giving our ‘Discover the Basque Country’ tour highlighted mentions on two websites.

Thanks to Joseba Zulaika, Sandra Ott, and Lisa Corcostegui for propelling our brochure onto the site for the Center for Basque Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno, where Paddy has twice enjoyed giving readings from his books. See http://basque.unr.edu/02/2.1t/2.1.1.news.htm#tours

And thanks to Jon Ysursa, of the North American Basque Organisations network NABO, for telling his members about the tour on http://nabasque.org/NABO/Tours.htm

David Alvarado: