Por Amour. A Boisean in the Basque Country

Living in a Foreign Land!

openingfotoIt is time to introduce myself to all of you. I am assuming I am doing this in vain considering I don’t expect many unknowns to be reading this blog!

I have considered blogging for a while, but I never really had a reason, until now.

Today I start this blog as I start a new chapter in my life.

On May 15 I departed by beloved Boise and made my way the 5,162 miles to the great city of Bilbao!  It isn’t my first trip, so this grandiose adventure felt more like a quick vacation to a place I am very comfortable going, rather than one of the largest leaps of faith and love I have ever taken!

Por Amour, translated to For Love, is the reason I am here, living in two different regions of the Basque Country, spending part of my time between both regions of Spain and France. Por Amour represents a number of things that you will read about along my journey!

basqueflagTo make it a success I risked it all. I quit a job I loved dearly, sold my car, kissed my family goodbye and left what I knew and where I was comfortable to follow my heart to Mr. Big, a name that was bestowed upon him by my dear friend Kate McGwire. Obviously it was taken from Sex and the City and it is fitting since he lives in France (it is after all where Big ran back to Carrie) and  he is very tall, dark, and handsome.

Now I am here in the Basque Country working to make a life that is completely different than the one I had known and loved.

While I have family nearby and I plan to visit them regularly, I am going to have to make new friends, learn the lifestyle, and while I already speak Spanish, I will be learning French.

In the few weeks of being here I have already faced first world challenges like getting a French phone number which led to me literally walking out of the store leaving the woman helping me in complete disgusted.  Grocery shopping has become one of my favorite past times and it is a grand accomplish each time.  And those hours left in the day where I have to entertain myself are basically spent killing the overly aggressive flies that seem to replenish rapidly.

Por Amour, will take you through the trials and tribulations of making this work.  Not only my relationship with Mr. Big, but also figuring out who I am and at 34 years old, what I want in my life.

This blog will be my personal journal, but I hope for each of you taking the time to read it, it brings you some comedy and entertainment all in the name of amour!

Oh and maybe one day Mr. Big will let me post a photo…it may take a few drinks at a festival to get him to agree, but that is something I will work on!



44 thoughts on “Living in a Foreign Land!

  1. Joanne Odiaga

    I can’t wait to read more! Takes a lot of guts to do this. I wish I was more like you. Best of luck in your travels.

  2. Carol

    Love that you had the courage to move on especially to another country. Waiting fot your adventures to post plus pictures.

  3. Laura

    I’m so happy for you! You’re doing something bold and adventurous! Something most people wish they had done but didn’t have the guts to do!! Keep the blog posts coming … I will follow you all the way!!

  4. Vonetta-Jose Menaka

    We have loved the pics and stories in FB! So happy for you and enjoy following your adventure….good luck!

  5. Shelley Babbit

    Ysabel, what an adventure and I will enjoy reading your blog. It is simply amazing what love will do to us/for us/and with us. Enjoy and until the next piece of the blog…

  6. Tricia

    You are living the dream! Can’t wait to read more, and of course see the picture of Mr. Big so hurry get him drunk already lol….

  7. Camille

    I LOVE it!! Thank you for blogging this! You are always inspirational and this blog is the perfect way to record this adventure you’re living!! God Bless you and Mr. Big! Give him a big Mrs. Can-Ada smile and a hug for me!! Miss you!!

  8. Virginia Pellegrini

    How exciting for you. I can’t wait to read more about your journey. I think a lot of people including me will be living vicariously through your blog because most of us aren’t as brave as you.

  9. Kimberly Tipton

    Great job. Go seek and ye shall find. Your happiness is the most important thing in your life. You only have one life to live. Have an amazing time. Be safe. Prayers and God’s Love

  10. Henar Chico

    Aupa Ysabel! Congratulations on your new blog, I have no doubt it will be fun, entertaining and a pleasure to read. I know we can always keep in touch by FB, but this is yet another way to get a little more insight into your new life.

    Aurrera! And please, give my regards to Gigante.

  11. SeattleK

    Ysabel – what a journey! I’m so happy for you and look forward to your blog! I know the feelings of relocation…I did it in October to Seattle…it’s a change – a welcome change and a challenging change. 🙂

  12. Nerea Mendiola-Wilsey

    Tia Bells this is great! Very fun to read and share your adventure! We love you very much and miss you tons! Give a big hug and kiss to Mr. Big and little picaso! Can not wait for you to visit, and you have a very thirsty little partner waiting to drink “sparkle water” with her Tia Bells!
    Love you lots,

  13. Nerea Mendiola-Wilsey

    Tia Bells! I love it and can not wait to read more! We are missing you so very much but are so excited for you and this adventure! Give Mr. Big a hug and kiss and sweet little
    Picaso! I have a ver thirsty little angel waiting for her Tia Bells to visit and drink “sparkle water.” Love you tons!!!

  14. Michael Uro

    Way to go! I look forward to living vicariously through you. I came very close to moving to europe about 15 years ago. Now I look forward to trips to Euskadi every 2 or 3 years. Perhaps in retirement I can live there for 3 to 4 months out of the year.

  15. Bob Treadwell

    I will be in the shadow following you along on your journey. I wish you the best. However if you feel sometime it may NOT be necessary to share something in your blog don’t feel bad or sweat it. Be safe and take care. Thinking of you with lots of love. Bob :o)

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  17. Ellen Harding

    I am a Mix106 listener and followed Kate’s link to your blog. Just wanted to wish you the best of luck. I know how difficult it is to move to a different country, leaving all your friends and family behind. I did it 10 years ago when I moved from Belgium to the US (also pour amour).

  18. Jennifer

    I have never met you and only know though through the tv and of course through Kate on the radio, but enjoy this and learn. That way all of us can live vicariously through you. Have t the adventure and live with your whole heart.

  19. Kay Romero

    I am so proud of you. What a wonderful adventure in life and love. I will be reading every word and waiting for your next blog.

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