A Basque in Boise

What would Scooby do?

It pains me to say this, but I have a newfound appreciation for politicians (just to be clear though, if all of them were like Boise’s Mayor Dave Bieter, it wouldn’t pain me at all. You’re welcome. Email me!). Yes, I’m a fairly good bullshitter, but that’s not it.

Last Saturday, Euzkaldunak, Inc. (Boise’s non-profit organization to promote Basque culture) held their Members Dinner and General Elections. I ran for the third year in a row, and for the third year in a row I didn’t get in. My ego is still a bit bruised, but time heals everything. My investment in the whole campaign – other than showing up to as many dinners as possible – is volunteering as much as I can, whether it’s helping Izaskun with the naboeuskaraz.com website, selling pop and beer during San Inazio, or working with other Basque Centers to bring bands from the Basque Country to Boise.

I can’t even imagine how it would feel to lose an election after months of fundraising, traveling, debating, hand-shaking and baby-holding.

After hearing the results, I picked up my kids from the daycare downstairs and left the Center as swiftly as I could. I felt my lip starting to quiver, and that would have been embarrassing. I know the election was close, but it hurts a little that I ended up as the alternate again. As I was driving home on Saturday, my first impulse was to call it good and not run again, but two days later I already know I won’t be able to hold that thought. Not running again will definitely keep me off the board, and that’s the opposite of what I want. Besides, whether I do it now or five years from now, there will always be Basque events to plan and Jaialdis to organize.

In the meantime, I’ll continue enjoying Jesus Alcelay’s dinners and lending a hand whenever possible.

See you next year!

Thanks for passing by: ↓

Maria Jesusl Diana Steven Roosevelt nere

14 thoughts on “What would Scooby do?

  1. María Jesús

    Pues la verdad no saben lo que se pierden, no creo que haya alguien que se preocupe tanto por todo como tú. De todas formas tienen la suerte de contar contigo ya que, aunque un poco defraudada, vas a seguir ayudando y eso poca gente lo hace. Así que hija, tú vales mucho.

  2. María Jesús

    Pues la verdad no saben lo que se pierden, no creo que haya alguien que se preocupe tanto por todo como tú. De todas formas tienen la suerte de contar contigo ya que, aunque un poco defraudada, vas a seguir ayudando y eso poca gente lo hace. Así que hija, tú vales mucho.

  3. Diana

    Henar, I’m sure all your hard work for the Basque community is greatly appreciated. Elections suck, because you’re either high with euphoria after you win, or down with depression if you lose (and most of the candidates have to take the last option). I’m sure you’ll make it some day, when the time is right (I know– it’s the awful phrase no one wants to hear and sounds like a cheap euphemism for “yeah, they don’t want you now”). But when that time comes, like Sally Field, you will be able to say “You like me!! Right now, you like me!!” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_8nAvU0T5Y (go directly to timestamp 3:20).

    PS: At least, you didn’t have to hold too many babies for your campaign!

  4. Diana

    Henar, I’m sure all your hard work for the Basque community is greatly appreciated. Elections suck, because you’re either high with euphoria after you win, or down with depression if you lose (and most of the candidates have to take the last option). I’m sure you’ll make it some day, when the time is right (I know– it’s the awful phrase no one wants to hear and sounds like a cheap euphemism for “yeah, they don’t want you now”). But when that time comes, like Sally Field, you will be able to say “You like me!! Right now, you like me!!” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_8nAvU0T5Y (go directly to timestamp 3:20).

    PS: At least, you didn’t have to hold too many babies for your campaign!

  5. Henar Chico

    Baby-holding would be a deal breaker for me. I will get back to you on the video.

  6. Henar Chico

    Baby-holding would be a deal breaker for me. I will get back to you on the video.

  7. Henar Chico

    I haven’t seen the video yet. Hopefully I won’t have to exercise censorship on you, Mr. Roosevelt.

  8. Henar Chico

    I haven’t seen the video yet. Hopefully I won’t have to exercise censorship on you, Mr. Roosevelt.

  9. Steven Roosevelt

    Safe for work and I wouldn’t post anything risque on a public forum without marking it so.

  10. Steven Roosevelt

    Safe for work and I wouldn’t post anything risque on a public forum without marking it so.

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