A Basque in Boise

Amatxu, is it hard being a mom?

Every parent’s goal is to give their kids the best possible life. We struggle to balance working and family responsibilities, doing without much needed sleep if it means you can spend a couple more hours with them after getting home from work later than you’d like. Every day is a battle against time, miraculously cramming in a full-time job, rides to and from school, soccer practices, dancing sessions, girl scout club, Basque classes, gym time, dinner time, reading time, homework, Wipeout episode of the day, snuggle time, second job, a drink with friends, pala league, email messages and blogging.

We also do our best to pass onto our kids those things most important to us, in my case, culture, language, a bit of political incorrectness, and an apathy for germs. It’s not easy to go around speaking Spanish or Basque to your children. Let’s say they have a playdate over who only speaks English. I have to repeat things twice because talking to my kids in English feels so wrong. I know it can get uncomfortable for other people and sometimes embarrassing for my kids, buy hey, it could be worse. They could have a boring mom.

Eventually, you start getting a glimpse here and there that your efforts are paying off: the kids want to read stories in Basque, you son loves playing pala, and your daughter asks if it’s ok to be friends with a Barcelona Futbol Club fan.

Then one day, you hit the jackpot and you know that, despite the challenges, you’re succeeding at your job as a mom. (I will use the real word for soccer -football- to illustrate what I mean).

Andoni: Amatxu, look, boys playing football!
Amatxu: American football?
Andoni: No, football football

Thanks for passing by: ↓

Amaya Oxarango-Ingram MARIA JESUS Egiluz Mark Bieter Conchi Diana Steven Roosevelt German friend

11 thoughts on “Amatxu, is it hard being a mom?

  1. Aitor

    Gogorra ta zaila da baina merezi du. Aurrera egiteko nondik zatozan jakin behar da.

    Asko atsegindu jat eta zure antzera dabiltzan beste lagun batzuk gogora ekarri dizkidazu.

  2. Aitor

    Gogorra ta zaila da baina merezi du. Aurrera egiteko nondik zatozan jakin behar da.

    Asko atsegindu jat eta zure antzera dabiltzan beste lagun batzuk gogora ekarri dizkidazu.

  3. Henar Chico

    Bai, ez da erraza, baina zer da, azken finean, haurrei dagokionez, ezta? Gainera, eta badakizu erdi brometan nauela sarreraren bukaeraekin, baina horrelakoak esaten dituztenean benetan poz handia hartzen dudala. Uste dut uda honetan biak konturatu direla Euskal Herria zer den, zergatik haien amak faltan botatzen duela han bizitzea, eta azkenean hasi dira ni hobeto ulertzen.

    Eskerrik asko hemendik pasatzeagatik, Aitor. Besarkada bero bat!

  4. Henar Chico

    Bai, ez da erraza, baina zer da, azken finean, haurrei dagokionez, ezta? Gainera, eta badakizu erdi brometan nauela sarreraren bukaeraekin, baina horrelakoak esaten dituztenean benetan poz handia hartzen dudala. Uste dut uda honetan biak konturatu direla Euskal Herria zer den, zergatik haien amak faltan botatzen duela han bizitzea, eta azkenean hasi dira ni hobeto ulertzen.

    Eskerrik asko hemendik pasatzeagatik, Aitor. Besarkada bero bat!


    Yo estoy orgullosa por la madre que tienen, se preocupa de enseñarles sus dos lenguas y prueba de ello es que los niños cada día lo hablan mejor.


    Yo estoy orgullosa por la madre que tienen, se preocupa de enseñarles sus dos lenguas y prueba de ello es que los niños cada día lo hablan mejor.

  7. Mark Bieter

    Your mom is right to be proud. Even though you are raising your son to appreciate the wrong football.

  8. Mark Bieter

    Your mom is right to be proud. Even though you are raising your son to appreciate the wrong football.

  9. Henar Chico

    It’s revenge, Mark, for the fallacies I read on other blogs. (I was going to type in a smiley face, but I stopped myself.)

  10. Henar Chico

    It’s revenge, Mark, for the fallacies I read on other blogs. (I was going to type in a smiley face, but I stopped myself.)

  11. Henar Chico

    Thanks, German friend! Can’t wait to take each other out soon! (I learned a couple or three things from you, buy the way.)

  12. Henar Chico

    Thanks, German friend! Can’t wait to take each other out soon! (I learned a couple or three things from you, buy the way.)

  13. Diana

    A bit of political incorrectness? Just a bit? C’mon… Hahaha. Maite zaitut!! You are an awesome mom, and ANYTHING but boring!

  14. Diana

    A bit of political incorrectness? Just a bit? C’mon… Hahaha. Maite zaitut!! You are an awesome mom, and ANYTHING but boring!

  15. Henar Chico

    Well… Some people don’t know me, I can get away with “a bit”, hehehe. By the way, I also got a couple of tips from you on this whole raising kids deal. Nik zu ere maite zaitut. LANPETUTA!!

  16. Henar Chico

    Well… Some people don’t know me, I can get away with “a bit”, hehehe. By the way, I also got a couple of tips from you on this whole raising kids deal. Nik zu ere maite zaitut. LANPETUTA!!

  17. German friend

    Hey girls, don’t you know it takes an entire village to raise a child and a lot of input from your true friends :-)!!!

  18. German friend

    Hey girls, don’t you know it takes an entire village to raise a child and a lot of input from your true friends :-)!!!

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