A Basque in Boise

Minchinhampton, GB

I enjoy looking at the stats for my blog mainly to see where people check in from, which is actually all over the world. Sure, a lot of times it’s not real people but rather bots who get to my posts, which is quite annoying. Today I saw a hit on Erabakiak from Minchinhampton, GB, which came in via google search “conflicted” and probably didn’t help the person at all as it’s one of the 4 posts I’ve written in Basque. But I couldn’t help falling in love with the town’s name. It’s got a Chinese ring to it, don’t you think? Well, at least it does to me. So I googled it and what do you know, it is twinned with Nkokoto, in Tanzania. Nkokoto. You might have disagreed with me on Minchinhampton, but there is no mistake about the Chinese ring to Nkokoto. Ok. Fine. Maybe it’s more Japanese.

Now I wish I could go visit. I love the English countryside. It reminds me of being young and completely happy. Of Iverheath, Digby, Digby’s owner, and Queen.

Thanks for passing by: ↓

4 thoughts on “Minchinhampton, GB

  1. Diana

    Are you sure you were completely happy? We tend to overestimate our past, just because it’s past us.

  2. Diana

    Are you sure you were completely happy? We tend to overestimate our past, just because it’s past us.

  3. Henar Chico

    I was pretty happy, to tell you the truth. Other than the 20 pounds I gained in about 30 days, that is. But yes, it was one of the best summer months in my life.

  4. Henar Chico

    I was pretty happy, to tell you the truth. Other than the 20 pounds I gained in about 30 days, that is. But yes, it was one of the best summer months in my life.

  5. Henar Chico

    Cuando mi ama me vio entrar por la puerta después del mes en Inglaterra ni me dio la bienvenida. Me miró y me dijo “Mañana empiezas Biomanán (Slimfast)”, jajaja. Te lo juro.

  6. Henar Chico

    Cuando mi ama me vio entrar por la puerta después del mes en Inglaterra ni me dio la bienvenida. Me miró y me dijo “Mañana empiezas Biomanán (Slimfast)”, jajaja. Te lo juro.

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