A Basque in Boise

Being a kid

Adults, we run around like crazy most of the time, stressing out about all kinds of things. Sometimes, we worry about important issues (Am I taking good care of my kids? Am I going to make the mortgage this month? Is my family doing ok back home?), but many times we worry about stupid things, like the size of our butt or whether we chose the winning NCAA bracket.

I’m seriously considering ditching one of the HP TouchPads, giving in, surrendering, owning my weakness for anything Apple, and getting an iPad. Mind you, it’s not as easy as you think. I’m not taking about running my Visa on the credit card machine. Years of practice have made me a master swiper. I’m talking about setting expectations for my kids, as in one of them will have to keep using the TouchPad, which will become totally unworldly once the iPad comes home. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, but somehow I convinced my daughter that you can use a TouchPad and still be cool.

On the other hand, my 8-year old boy was jumping with excitement, but then he stopped smiling all of a sudden.

“Amatxu”, he asks, “who again gave me that TouchPad?”

“Santa Claus,” I reply. I can see the worry in his face.

“But amatxu… Isn’t getting an iPad going to hurt Santa’s feelings?”

Thanks for passing by: ↓

Maria Jesusl Ainhoa nere

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