A Basque in Boise

Too lazy to drive your donations to a Goodwill near you?

No problem! Just put your crap outside on your driveway and voilà, you saved yourself a trip to your favorite donation center.  Make sure you don’t pin any notices onto the items such as “Free” or “First come first serve”. Although leaving the goods on the curb outside your home clearly states that you don’t want them anymore, the signs leave no room for doubt and will deter people from taking your stuff faster, when it seems like stealing. I learned this handy tip from my mom-in-law, whose sofa remained untouched for days on end. The thing immediately vanished after she removed the “Free” sign from it.

I left a semi-broken wooden chair and two beat-up bikes outside my house last night – late last night. I got up at 6 am this morning and they were gone. Woo hoo!

And that's why it's still there

Thanks for passing by: ↓

Janice Maria Jesusl Steven Roosevelt Diana aita

2 thoughts on “Too lazy to drive your donations to a Goodwill near you?

  1. Diana

    True! I once left a guy outside and some random lady picked him up and married him shortly after.

  2. Diana

    True! I once left a guy outside and some random lady picked him up and married him shortly after.

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