A Basque in Boise

Happy Mother’s Day (cont’d)

Last week, I wrote about Athletic’s nice gesture for Mother’s Day. Today, I dedicate this post exclusively to my mom. I realize a week went by already, but in the US we celebrate the day on the second Sunday of May instead of the first one, so I’m still good. Besides, if you ever had a mom, you know that everyday is mother’s day.

There is usually nothing profoundly deep about the meaning of life in our conversations. On the contrary, our interactions are simple, straight-forward, practical, fun. Like when I became a woman (I hate that expression, by the way) at the age of thirteen. “Ugh”, I thought. “AMAAAAAAA!!”, I yelled. She came running from the kitchen to see what all the noise was about. “Oh, you got your period”, she said nonchalantly. “Here, put this on”. And she handed me a sanitary napkin. That was the extent of my rite of passage, and it was perfect.

I don’t hold anything back from my mom; she knows everything my closest friends know. She never judges me, no matter what it is that I am confiding to her. Basically, she is always there for me, whether I need my pants altered, satisfy a special food craving, or relationship advice.

I’m almost forty and I am a mom myself. But without fail, when life gets me down with those little punches it throws, all I want is her there to say it’s ok, and then, it is.


Thanks for passing by: ↓

5 thoughts on “Happy Mother’s Day (cont’d)

  1. maria jesus

    Gracias hija pero vosotras habeis sido muy buenas hijas y tú muy buena madre y tus hijos tambien te dirán a ti lo mismo. Musus.

  2. terese

    Tontitas… me hacéis emocionar. Maria Jesús, yo he sido muy feliz en tu casa. Siempre me has hecho extensible esa parte de aceptar también a las amigas de las hijas, y de hacerlas hijas también. Tengo recuerdos muy bonitos, desde cantar “la orilla blanca, la orilla negra” hace mil años hasta las ricas comidas cuando tu hija viene de visita. ..

  3. Henar Chico

    La Orillla blanca, la orilla negra… Ohhhh… Debe hacer un alto mi capitán, si que estoy cansado no puedo más…

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